Coastal Quarantine Commemorative Book by the Corpus Christi American Cancer Society Presented by Andrews Distributing
COVID-19 is putting a lot at risk right now, including the fight against cancer. However, the fight against cancer can’t be cancelled, postponed or rescheduled. Based on the CDC's recommendations and the direction of our local leadership on social distancing, the Corpus Christi American Cancer Society family made the decision to turn our 2020 Cattle Baron's Ball into a Coastal Quarantine Commemorative Book presented by Andrews Distributing. Consisting of photos, stories and recipes from our Cattle Barons Ball supporters and families, we hope Coastal Quarantine will forever serve as a reminder of our community's resilience and carry the message of HOPE to the residents of the Coastal Bend as we began to navigate through these unparalleled times together.
100% of your donation will contribute to the fight against cancer.